
Presses for Sale

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Showing 3 result(s) Presses for Sale Tonnage: 60
60-ton Minster #6SS Open Back Inclinable Geared Press For Sale, Year 1986

60-ton Minster #6SS Open Back Inclinable Geared Press For Sale, Year 1986

Stock Number: #2911
Tonnage: 60
Stroke: 6 inches
Shut Height: 14 inches
Adjustment: 2.75 inches
Bed Size: 32" LR x 21" FB
Ram Area: 24" LR x 14" FB
SPM: 60
60 ton Minster #6SS OBS Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1998

60 ton Minster #6SS OBS Mechanical Press For Sale, Year 1998

Stock Number: #2904
Tonnage: 60
Stroke: 5 inches
Shut Height: 14.5 inches
Adjustment: 2.75 inches
Bed Size: 32" x 21"
Ram Area: 24" x 14"
SPM: 45-90 VSPM
60 ton Komatsu OBS-60 Single Point Mechanical Metal Stamping Gap Frame Press For Sale, Year 2001

60 ton Komatsu OBS-60 Single Point Mechanical Metal Stamping Gap Frame Press For Sale, Year 2001

Stock Number: #2759
Tonnage: 60
Stroke: 4.72 inches
Shut Height: 14.2 inches
Adjustment: 2.76 inches
Bed Size: 35.4" x 21.7"
Ram Area: 19.7" x 15.7"
SPM: 60-120